What is remote work? - Remote-work-Glossary-banner-2.png

What is remote work?

Remote work is a work-style that takes place outside of the customary office setting, usually…

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What is employee onboarding? | HiBob

What is onboarding?

Onboarding is the process of incorporating a new employee into a company and familiarizing them…

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What is humanity in the workplace?

Humanity in the workplace is expressed through the innate, shared, human values, and unique talents…

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What is empathy in the workplace? - Empathy-in-the-workplace-Glossary-banner-3.png

What is empathy in the workplace?

Empathy in the workplace is the ability to be understanding towards colleagues and sensitive to…

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What is compensation management software? - Compensation-management-software-Glossary-banner-2.png

What is compensation management software?

Compensation management software is a dedicated planning system that streamlines employee data and budget planning…

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What is employee attrition?

Employee attrition is the naturally occurring, voluntary departure of employees from a company. Employee attrition…

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