HMC softwareHMC software

HCM software for global business

The human capital management software that powers productivity, engagement, and retention.

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What is human capital management (HCM) software?

Human capital management software—or HCM software—includes HR practices, tools, and technologies to help HR leaders manage all HR functions and better engage and retain their people. With applications including onboarding, training, and payroll, the best HCM software helps HR leaders enhance the employee experience, connect global workforces, and build more efficient HR workflows and processes.

Why HR leaders need modern HCM software

The new role of HR is a balancing act between a great employee experience and routine HR tasks. Modern HR leaders need people-centric solutions custom designed to manage the entire employee lifecycle in our fast-paced, tech-driven work world. Designed as a management platform first and an HR platform second, Bob is a modern HCM solution built for how HR leaders work today. HR, managers, and employees use Bob for better productivity and engagement.
Core HR - HR Software

Core HR

Onboarding - HR Software


People Analytics - HR Software

People Analytics


Performance - HR Software

Workforce Planning

Surveys - HR Software

Payroll Hub

Core HR - HR SoftwareCore HR - HR Software

Core HR

Manage your people, streamline your processes across the organization, drive engagement, and modernize HR with Core HR. Discover agile workflows, management and employee engagement tools, and a great UI that everyone finds fun and easy to use.

All your company news, all in one place

  • Engage employees across sites, locations, and countries from the homepage
  • Automate workflows with approvals, alerts, and reminders
  • Use shoutouts and kudos to recognize achievements and communicate with employees in their favorite tools
  • Manage time and attendance in one place with ease with holistic views to indicate who is on, off, or taking leave

There’s more to core HR in Bob.

 Read about all the features here.

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​​From onboarding to offboarding and everything in between, Bob’s top HCM software sets up reusable automatic workflows for any process with tasks that cover every detail.

  • When assigning tasks, add a personal touch by using field attributes such as employee name or team name
  • Create task lists for workflows and reuse them in a click—no tech experience required
  • Turn any document into a template automatically populated with data from Bob and send it for signature
  • Allow employees to request time off and update their details on desktop or mobile while automatically looping in all approvers
  • Get integrations to other tools you love, like Slack and MS teams
  • Make your life easier and say bye to manual processes and hi to HR simplicity with Bob’s automated HR processes

Learn how Bob does automation here. 

We have been able to automate many of our processes that were previously done manually, like the entire onboarding process and annual assessments using Bob.
Jocelyne Gagnon
Jocelyne Gagnon VP, Human Resources at NuveiREAD MORE
HR Software - HiBobHR Software - HiBob

People Analytics

Bob’s People Analytics provides you with real-time, cross-platform data, enabling you to tell the story behind the numbers.

Make data-driven decisions with all your people’s data in one place

  • Track and report on important KPIs such as headcount, growth, attrition rates, and absenteeism
  • Seamlessly create reports for the C-Suite that show the outcomes of your HR initiatives over time
  • Uncover workplace trends for proactive insights about your people and your company

Make data-driven decisions and drive HR excellence with Bob.

See people analytics in Bob.

HR Software - HiBobHR Software - HiBob


Empower your employees to grow, develop, and succeed with everything you need to conduct 360º performance reviews.

Conduct the entire review process within Bob with no need for emails or spreadsheets

  • Collect reviews from every angle: self, manager, and direct reports
  • Establish goals and growth plans to help employees progress and succeed
  • Connect performance to other relevant data points for customized and hyper-relevant insights

Stay agile and in control of every aspect of the review process.

See how Bob manages performance here.

HR Software - HiBobHR Software - HiBob

Workforce planning

Optimize workforce efficiency by managing, planning, and tracking current and future positions. Organize labor, work scheduling, budgeting, time and attendance, and succession planning.

Get data insights to influence your hiring decisions

  • Build a single view of your current and planned positions and add, edit, postpone, or cancel as your plans evolve and change
  • Stay on track by creating timelines and hiring plans for your recruitment team
  • Create multiple headcount plans for any event or business strategy
  • Create a collaborative workforce planning process across the company

Get access to all your workforce data to make strategic decisions on hiring and internal mobility.

Learn more about Bob’s Workforce Planning

HR Software - HiBobHR Software - HiBob

Payroll Hub

Grow and scale with ease, increase payroll data accuracy and efficiency—and take the pain out of payroll.

All your payroll data, all in one place

  • Real-time automatic payroll data updates
  • Visual tracking and notifications to verify changes
  • Seamless integration with leading payroll providers
  • Use Payroll Connect to connect with most payroll systems

However your payroll cycle runs, save hours with Bob’s Payroll Hub.

See Bob’s Payroll Hub here.

The most customizable HCM. Built for the way you HR.

Meet Bob. The modern HCM software for modern business.

Bob’s human capital management system is intuitive, easy to use, and built to scale from tens to hundreds to thousands of employees. Drive growth, engagement, and productivity for the company while balancing traditional HR tasks with people-first strategies. Bob is the human resource software built for the new world of work. See all of Bob’s modern features here
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HCM software FAQs

Why choose Bob’s HCM software?

In this changing world of work, your HCM needs to have flexibility and configurability at the core. Bob lets you adapt HR processes and employee experiences on the spot. All it takes is a few clicks, and your HR platform is in sync with company changes as they happen. Bob also lets you automate workflows around the globe and allows you to localize and personalize experiences for your people, wherever they are.

What features are included in Bob’s HCM solution?

Bob is designed to scale with you as your business grows. Start with Core HR to streamline your HR processes and build an inclusive culture then add or remove additional modules as you grow.

  • Onboarding: Create a warm and streamlined experience for your new hires
  • Performance: Empower your employees to grow, develop, and succeed
  • Compensation: Manage a seamless compensation process
  • Surveys: Engage your people
  • Time Off: Track who’s in and who’s out
  • Time & Attendance: Simplify time tracking
  • Payroll Hub: Take the pain out of payroll
  • People Analytics: Gain insights into your people
  • Your Voice: Provide a safe space to be heard
  • Workforce planning: Maximize workforce efficiency
  • Sandbox: Explore and experiment with Bob 
Are multi-national companies suitable for Bob’s HCM software?

Bob’s global human capital management software is built for modern multi-national companies. With a homepage that creates a culture of communication and belonging, Bob provides employees worldwide with one unified experience. Bob’s people-first approach delivers engaging employee experiences globally.

How do I choose the best HCM software for my business?

When choosing the best human capital management software to solve your company’s problems, consider which systems can integrate with what you already have. Assess your company’s needs and any recurring issues—and prepare for future workforce trends and internal changes.

Consider which HR processes are time-consuming and need adjustment. Think about how you might change your HR processes to boost engagement and retention. And outline your company’s growth and workforce planning goals. Here are four steps to help break down the selection process into digestible tasks:

    • Consider the system you’re currently using. You may be unsure which product is right for your organization. To narrow in on the relevant software solutions, ensure that you only consider the systems that can integrate with what you already have.

    • Assess your company’s needs. Each organization has its own obstacles and industry-specific problems. For example, a fast-growing high-tech company may need a platform compatible with different time zones. A manufacturing company may need a time and attendance app that allows people to clock in and out.

    • Address your company’s recurring problems. Does your company have unexpectedly high levels of turnover? Are HR professionals feeling frustrated with an overly heavy administrative workload? Determine your company’s specific challenges and prioritize them in order of urgency.

    • Plan ahead. You may want to focus on what your company needs now. That’s completely understandable. But being prepared for future workforce trends and internal changes can make all the difference between rocky and smooth transitions. Companies must address their current and future needs by asking questions such as: Which HR processes are time-consuming and need adjustment? How can we change our HR processes to boost engagement and retention? What are our company’s growth and workforce planning goals?

What is Human Capital Management (HCM)?

Human Capital Management (HCM) fuses HR strategy and HR technology for better people management. HCM emphasizes treating people as assets rather than resources. HCM integrates optimal management practices to attract, engage, develop, and retain talent.

What are the elements of HCM?

Combining HR strategy and HR tech tools, HCM offers an agile and engaging platform for everyone, from the junior level to C-suite. HCM includes these primary functions:

  1. Core HR: The HR software used to store people’s data, including personal and financial information
  2. Talent management: The process of recruiting, hiring, and retaining professionals
  3. Workforce management: The organization of labor, work scheduling, budgeting, time and attendance, and succession planning
What are the benefits of HCM?

HCM is custom designed for our fast-paced, tech-driven work world. In medium and large companies, an HCM system is essential for attracting new hires, building and maintaining a productive, engaged workforce, and lowering company costs. An effective HCM system can facilitate:

  • Career development opportunities
  • Professional creativity and innovation
  • Virtual collaboration
  • Stronger social connections among co-workers
  • A shorter recruitment period
  • Cutting-edge compensation packages
  • Better employee self-service through automation and AI
  • Improved data analysis on workforce trends
What’s the difference between HCM and HRMS?

HCM and HRMS offer similar solutions, and people often use the terms interchangeably. But there are subtle differences.

HCM is all-encompassing. It includes HR practices and HR tech to help manage all HR functions. HCM prioritizes the employee experience and strategic workforce optimization for better productivity and engagement.

In contrast, HRMS primarily refers to software applications. An HRMS focuses on managing people with an emphasis on tracking and organizing people data for better decision-making.

Because the differences between HCM and HRMS are slight, it’s important to evaluate each product’s features when shopping for HCM software.

What can HR leaders do to integrate an HCM system into their strategy?

HR leaders are responsible for researching, choosing, strategizing, adjusting, monitoring, and evaluating the HCM system. Here are some fundamental tips for staying on track during the implementation process:

  • Identify objectives. Defining company goals enables HR leaders to navigate their HR ship in the right direction. HR leaders should address crucial questions regarding which practices and components of the HR processes should remain the same and which need adjustment.
  • Pinpoint weak areas for improvement. HR leaders can enlist the aid of individual team members and managers to create a comprehensive list of issues they’ve experienced first-hand. Perhaps the onboarding process is ineffective, or performance reviews don’t encourage enough employee feedback. Determining weak points helps HR leaders decide on a strategy and a solution-oriented HCM technology.
  • Establish a team. HR leaders can create a team of executives, division leaders, and tech talent to assist with the integration of the HCM system.
  • Build a game plan. Drafting a strategic plan by assessing each problem and deliberate planning can help HR leaders actualize their vision.
How can a well-implemented HCM system improve company culture?

With the rise of remote work, companies have come to rely on HCM systems to ensure employee satisfaction and a pleasant employee experience. HCM helps people contextualize their roles within their company, form strong interpersonal relationships, and build community at work. When people feel connected to their co-workers, their jobs, and their company, they’re happier and can naturally contribute to building a positive company culture.

Learn how Bob can improve your HR processes

HR Software