A recruitment management system (RMS) is software that helps HR conduct the entire recruitment process. A typical RMS operates as an updated applicant tracking system (ATS), offering all the administrative automation of an ATS, plus candidate relationship management (CRM) features. While an ATS generally satisfies the needs of small businesses, an RMS includes full services, so it typically has more to offer for medium and large companies.

An RMS automates different recruiting functions, including: 

  • Advertising job descriptions 
  • Scheduling interviews
  • Answering common questions from candidates through a chatbot
  • Providing templates for job requisitions and candidate emails
  • Sending reminders to recruiters
  • Matching candidates with job openings
  • Maintaining a connection with applicants throughout 

Why should HR leaders care about a recruitment management system?

An RMS facilitates a smooth recruitment and hiring process, setting the foundation for employee retention and engagement. Through automation, the RMS enables recruiters to:

  • Manage candidates and new hires 
  • Keep track of relevant candidate information in a central database
  • Improve hiring practices and decisions by consolidating information for data-based decisions
  • Maintain communication with people and keep them engaged
  • Source and hire candidates with suitable tech skills 

Moreover, a recruitment management system improves the candidate experience. An RMS streamlines the recruitment process and includes self-service features, creating a more convenient, orderly, and predictable process.

What can HR leaders do to choose an appropriate recruitment management system?

Researching options and assessing company needs is essential when looking for an RMS. HR leaders can incorporate these fundamental steps to enhance their strategy:

  • Make a ‘shopping list’ of the company requirements. How big is the company? How many new hires are there per year? What features are essential? Drafting a document that answers these questions and identifies the company’s needs will help HR select a system that will provide practical solutions. For example, organizations recruiting 500 new candidates per year may lean toward a comprehensive RMS, while a start-up hiring 10-15 people may feel an ATS is just right.
  • Build budget awareness. RMS software and implementation can be expensive. Understanding company requirements combined with an awareness of the RMS budget is necessary to determine which system will help HR manage its people without taking a financial hit.  
  • Look beyond the name to the product features. The differences between ATS and RMS software are often indistinct. Vendors may even officially market a product as an ATS, even if it functions more like an RMS because the term “ATS” is more familiar to customers. And sometimes, larger-scale HCM platforms include a built-in ATS or RMS.

Why should a recruitment management system be part of a modern HR strategy?

In today’s competitive job market, recruiting candidates with desirable competencies and technical skills demands being one step ahead. An RMS provides HR with the tech tools to make intelligent recruiting decisions while maintaining a user-friendly, smooth candidate experience, contributing to an engaged, high-performing workforce.