Employee time tracking is the practice of monitoring and documenting the hours that each employee works. Companies can track work hours by requiring employees to clock in and out at designated times, such as starting and ending the workday and unplanned breaks.  

Employees receiving hourly wages must monitor their work hours. Yet, for salaried workers, time tracking is also essential. And with a technologically advanced HRIS time and attendance tracking software that facilitates the process, people can track time effortlessly. 

Why should HR leaders care about employee time tracking?

Employee time tracking can promote:

  • Productivity
  • Efficiency
  • Reduced expenses
  • Time management
  • Mental health
  • Work performance

An automated time tracking program enables employee self-service, removing a heavy work burden from HR. When employees monitor how many hours they work every day and the length of time they spend on each project and task, they build awareness of effective and non-effective working patterns and habits. Also, managers and HR leaders can stay informed on how many hours employees are putting in–which helps them analyze budgets and accurately calculate salaries. 

A centralized time tracking system is vital for remote team members. Accurate worktime documentation allows managers to maintain involvement in employee progress, even from far. A user-friendly time tracking program streamlines the process and ties in work hours with employee compensation and relevant government laws. 

What can HR leaders do to implement employee time tracking?

HR leaders can optimize employee time tracking by incorporating these practices: 

  • Develop a clear policy. Time tracking guidelines ensure that employees and managers understand what’s expected of them. For example, the guidelines should explain the bylaws of clocking in and out and the importance of documenting work location. 
  • Prioritize ethical practices. The time tracking system should reflect a value for employee privacy and align with the company’s approach to maintaining ethical conduct. The policy also must synchronize with the relevant governing employee protection laws such as the GDPR, UK labor laws, and  U.S. labor laws
  • Use time and attendance software. Time and attendance software shoulders the workload for HR: it automates the process of monitoring hours worked, encourages employees to input all the relevant information, and summarizes employee attendance info for the payroll department.   
  • Cultivate an appreciation for time tracking. When employees understand how time tracking can improve their work lives, they’ll be more inclined to want to do it. HR leaders can fuel employee motivation to track time by familiarizing them with its benefits of boosting concentration, efficiency, and goal achievement.
  • Use it to identify workflow bottlenecks. Time tracking enables managers to analyze work patterns, pinpoint workflow obstacles, and implement practical solutions. With easy access to employees’ working patterns, managers can hone in on areas for improvement.

How can time tracking improve company culture?

Time tracking can help companies drive a more productive, organized work culture. Through streamlining a cumbersome process, time tracking can help employees, managers, and HR leaders focus on the impactful components of work: performance, collaboration, and innovation, which in turn support a thriving company culture.