Payroll Hub dashboardPayroll Hub dashboard

Payroll Hub dashboard

All your payroll data, all in one place

Ease the payroll process with Bob’s Payroll Hub, a centralized dashboard that automatically updates accurate payroll data in real-time. To make things even easier, Bob’s visual tracking and notifications help you verify your payroll changes when you’re ready to run payroll.

Running payroll involves many small details that you need to sync with multiple interfaces and systems. From the smallest detail like a change of address or a title change, getting everything ready and ensuring that it was correct was a lot of manual work. Then we started using Bob’s Payroll Hub, which integrates all those systems, reminds you about changes and updates, and then automatically pushes them out to the payroll provider. It’s a huge difference, which has saved us many hours every cycle.
Shir Birenbaum
Shir BirenbaumPeople Operations and Analytics at Logz.ioread more
Payroll integrationsPayroll integrations

Payroll integrations

Plug and play payroll

Payroll Hub seamlessly integrates with leading global payroll providers, making running payroll easy. Bob’s out-of-the-box integrations are pre-configured to ensure a smooth payroll data transfer every cycle. HiBob’s payroll partners include ADP WFN USA and Canada, Paylocity, Trinet, Xero UK and Australia, and more.


Payroll mistakes happen. But not with Bob.

Payroll ConnectPayroll Connect

Payroll Connect

Connect to your payroll system

Not using one of our integrated payroll systems? No worries. Payroll Hub connects with leading payroll systems via Payroll Connect, an easy, no-code set-up wizard for third-party systems. Following a simple setup, your payroll report data is mapped and configured for seamless transfer, saving you hours of time every pay cycle.

Payroll cyclePayroll cycle

Flexible payroll cycles

Set up payroll to meet your needs

Payroll Hub supports the way you run payroll. Whether you have one payroll cycle or multiple cycles, or run payroll weekly, monthly, bi-weekly, or bi-monthly. 

Connect unlimited pay cycles to a single payroll system, migrate easily from one payroll system to another, and add additional payroll systems without disruption. Everything is flexible, so your company can grow and scale.

bswift and Sequia integrationsbswift and Sequia integrations

Employee benefits

Seamless benefits administration

Now you can manage benefits administration directly within Payroll Hub. Connect your provider and send the data together with your payroll cycle or on a custom schedule. Syncing your benefits data with Bob reduces the risk of manual error and saves time for both HR and your people. HiBob currently partners with leading benefits administration solutions, bswift, and Sequoia Tech.