6 lessons from COVID-19 that reinvented the role of HR - 6-HR-lessons-from-COVID-19-that-reinvented-the-role-of-HR-lobby-image.png

6 lessons from COVID-19 that reinvented the role of HR

In this guide, we’ll consider six important changes and how HR can make the most…

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understanding people analytics

An HR guide to understanding people analytics

Big data is no longer just for marketing or R&D; analytics are applied to improving…

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onboarding company culture

New hires need culture-focused onboarding

We can’t expect employees to be in step with our unique cultures from day one.…

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Managing bonuses remotely

An HR guide to managing bonuses remotely

As we are still battling the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide, this year is an opportune time…

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Marketing your employer brand main image

How you should market your employer brand

Company branding doesn't stop at products. Employer branding—how employees and potential future hires perceive your…

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The guide to addressing cultural safety for employees

Cultural safety in the modern workplace involves both psychological and physical security, as well as…

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Performance Management Strategy

An HR Guide to developing performance management strategy

Performance management can improve employee engagement—and happier more engaged employees are more productive employees. Performance…

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Compensation management

Why you should manage compensation using HR Tech

Managing compensation is a complicated task. It’s an essential part of administering and ensuring equitable…

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Performance and compensation guide HiBob

Performance and compensation, should they be connected?

When building a compensation strategy or updating an existing one based on organizational growth, it’s…

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The guide to addressing cultural safety for HR leaders

The guide to addressing cultural safety for HR leaders

The pillars of cultural safety: 1. What does cultural safety mean? 2. Existing laws protecting…

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Survey template for back to the office - Back-to-the-office-survey-main-image-2.png

Survey template for back to the office

Back-to-the-office survey template Support your people and help them feel more comfortable by using survey…

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hr role in crisis management

How HR can communicate with employees during a crisis

When a crisis hits, it’s imperative to protect business systems, processes, and profits. But the…

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back to the office guide for HR HiBob

Back to the office guide

Combating the spread of COVID-19 is a shared responsibility. Each of us should do our…

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5 ways HiBob uses Bob to manage a remote workforce - 5-ways-Hibob-uses-bob-to-manage-a-remote-workforce-main-image-1-1.png

5 ways HiBob uses Bob to manage a remote workforce

We went fully remote in one weekend. When we left work on Friday afternoon there…

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The new world of  remote performance reviews - The-new-world-of-remote-performance-reviews-lobby-image.png

The new world of remote performance reviews

Workplace practices and employee needs are evolving. HR professionals are taking the lead in building…

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