Partner Overview

Oneflow enables recruiting and HR teams to streamline hiring and onboarding processes with digital, interactive contracts. By automating the contract process from creating, e-signing, and managing contracts, you’ll reduce time spent on manual admin – and can focus on delivering the best candidate and onboarding experience.

Oneflow’s easy-to-use, interactive contracts enable collaboration across the entire contract process and effortlessly integrate into your existing workflows. With advanced security capabilities and the ability to extract contract metadata, Oneflow is a scalable solution to meet your business needs.

Key Features:

  • Editable HTML contracts: Let candidates add important information on the go and attract top talent with personalized and professional offers.
  • Tracking and notifications: Stay on top of your offers and get instant notifications when a candidate opens a contract, suggests changes or writes comments, and of course, when they sign your contract.
  • Smooth e-signing: Make it easy for your candidates to sign with smooth e-signatures and dynamic contracts that work across multiple devices.
  • Automated reminders: Save time and hassle with automated reminders, making sure your employee contracts get signed on time.
  • Automated archive: All contracts with associated personal info are stored in Oneflow’s secure and searchable archive, where you can set data retention rules to ensure compliance.
  • Integrations: Connect Oneflow to your existing workflow with our plug & play integrations, or customize Oneflow to fit your needs with our API.

This integration makes employee onboarding a breeze by automatically creating an employee profile in HiBob as soon as a candidate signs their Oneflow contract. To ensure your employee data in HiBob is relevant and up-to-date, the employee profile will be created at the point of hire, reducing redundancy and the potential risk of errors.

Save time, remove manual admin with automatic profile creation, and mitigate risk by instantly uploading the contract to the newly created profile in HiBob.

  • Automatically creates a new employee profile: Send a contract through Oneflow, and a new hire profile will be created and filled in with all the relevant details as soon as it’s signed.
  • Automatically uploading signed contracts to the new profile: The signed contract will be automatically added into the new hires profile, to keep HiBob as your central location for all relevant employee documentation.

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