Partner Overview

Officevibe is the incredibly friendly people-first employee experience platform — the fresh, new way to engage, recognize, align, and enable world-class leaders and teams.


Easy to use and super powerful, Officevibe is made for those essential conversations that make everything and everyone click — empowering team leaders and aligning team members like never before. Take the guessing game out of what your teams want and need. Officevibe creates a safe place to exchange feedback and honest feelings, so that your people feel engaged and happy at work.


Key features:

  • Get a good read of how your teams feel, what they need, and what they want
  • Drill down and identify the root cause of any issues that surfaced while checking the pulse
  • With in-depth reporting, Officevibe guarantees HR & Executives have a 360-view of all results
  • Give managers the tools they need with 1-on-1 and goals tools
  • Make recognition more meaningful and genuine with our Good Vibes feature

With this integration, customers won’t have to manually manage Officevibe users and team structures. You’re already keeping this up to date in HiBob, why do it again in Officevibe? The integration will automatically invite new employees that joined and remove employees that left your organization based on your HiBob account and create teams assigned to the right managers.


To learn more or see this integration in action, click Let’s Go below!

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