Metrics that matter for employee retention - Metrics-that-matter-retention-Blog-post.png

Metrics that matter for employee retention

Employee retention is, always has been, and probably forever will be a top concern for…

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3 tips for attracting top talent - Only-the-best-Blog-post.png

3 tips for attracting top talent

Great companies are run by great people. Without investing in hiring and retaining top talent,…

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Metrics that matter: salary average and salary change - Metrics-that-matter-salary-average-salary-change-Blog-post.png

Metrics that matter: salary average and salary change

We work hard for the money, don’t we? It’s almost impossible to talk about work…

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HR metrics that matter: employee growth rate - A-metric-that-matters-growth-rate-Blog-post.png

HR metrics that matter: employee growth rate

In this strange world, where it can feel like we’re treading water trying to stay…

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3 reasons you should prioritize employee recognition - Give-em-credit-Blog-post.png

3 reasons you should prioritize employee recognition

When your focus is building successful teams that work together as a seamless unit, it…

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How to calculate salary range penetration?

Salary range penetration: a metric that matters

What should you be getting paid? It’s a tough question to answer. From the dreaded…

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5 ways to keep your HR career going and growing - 5-Ways-to-Stop-Your-HR-Career-from-Stagnating-_Blog-post.png

5 ways to keep your HR career going and growing

Feel like your career is stalling out? It's natural. Maybe you've been in your company…

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6 steps to creating a diversity and inclusion committee - Diversity_Inclusion_-Lobby-image.png

6 steps to creating a diversity and inclusion committee

Is your organization ready to take diversity and inclusion programming to the next level? Building…

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Metrics that matter (WFH productivity)

Metrics for measuring work-from-home happiness and productivity

Moving from shared offices to working from home is a big transition demanding thoughtfulness and…

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How COVID-19 impacted employee wellness - Mental-health-during-COVID-19-Blog-post.png

How COVID-19 impacted employee wellness

Across continents, genders, and seniority levels, it seems we’re all feeling the same thing: we’re…

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A metric that matters (compensation expense factor)

Understanding compensation expense factor

When building our compensation management for coming cycles, we have a lot to think about:…

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