Partner Overview

tilr is a skills-driven employee training and development platform.

tilr Workforce is used by Talent teams and business leaders to measure their teams’ skills, create meaningful development plans, and make data-driven talent decisions. tilr is the only solution on the market that helps small to medium-sized companies understand the skills of their workforce. They enable these businesses to ensure the workforce is deployed efficiently and helps them strategically invest in training and up-skilling with confidence, so the company and it’s employees can grow together.

tilr has an integration with Coursera, so that learning is seamless and can (for a fee) integrate with a company’s internal LMS to create an even more seamless employee experience that results in more learning and better retention.


Key features:

  • Skills Inventory: discover and take inventory of the skills that reside in your organization
  • Identify skills gaps: tilr’s insights and analytics will help you understand current and future skills gaps along with training recommendations to fill them so you can get that competitive edge
  • Work assignments: when projects that pop up and you aren’t sure who the right people are to work on them, you can search your employee database by skills ensuring that your workforce is working efficiently and giving individuals opportunities they wouldn’t have otherwise been considered for
  • Actionable upskilling and training: tilr helps create development and training programs to upskill your team. This results in the growth employees want creating better retention
  • Foster mentorship: tilr’s platform enables mentor matching based on skills so you know who to reach out to in real time if you are blocked or looking for a longer term mentor relationship



In one click (with no IT necessary), HiBob customers can set up their entire staff with tilr, along with the reporting structures and hierarchy. HiBob will remain the source of truth for employee management and data, so you do not have to do things in two places when someone new is hired or someone leaves the company. tilr also offers SSO via google and other identity providers.

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